
Naema (NO/SE) is a late night with high humidity. The band takes inspiration from jazz, soul and hip hop to create a unique atmosphere that makes no compromise between the genres. Themes that reoccur are the restless thoughts that haunt you late at night, and the people and places that won’t leave your mind. The hardness to the double bass and the energy of the drums comes together with the soulfulness of the saxophone and vocal to convey a powerful expression that is soft but rough at the edges.

Since the first concert in late 2022 naema has played at venues such as Oslo Jazzfestival, Trondheim Calling and Nefertiti in Gothenburg. The band released their first single “Regrets” in april 2023, which was recorded in Duper Studio (Bergen).

The musicians all have background from the jazz conservatory in Trondheim, and can be heard in other constellations such as SUPERSPREDER, ILIKETOSLEEP and Toy Savoy.

"Publikum var faktisk ekstatiske etter denne konserten" - Audun Vinger for Jazz i Norge at Blå, Oslo Jazzfestival 2023

“Bandet består av musikere som er på klatrestigen mellom «ung og lovende» og «etablerte bautaer» i Norges jazzlandskap, og gjennom sine eksplosive arrangement, stødige publikumskontroll og nydelige improvisasjoner beviser de hvor på klatrestigen de hører hjemme.”

Samuel Lykkås for Gaffa at Trykkeriet, Trondheim Calling 2024

“Med ikke mer enn én låt ute, blir det spennende å se hva naema har å tilby i fremtiden – for dette var fantastisk.” Mats Fosdal for Under Dusken at Moskus, Trondheim Calling 2024.

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